IKA T25 digital ULTRA-TURRAX Disperser
Article number 172-200Zwaanstraat 1, Building TAA,
5651 CA Eindhoven
- Industrial machines (59)
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- Internal transport and storage (53)
- Moving transportation tools (22)
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- Remainder (16)
- Laboratory equipment (276)
- Analyzers (61)
- Fluid (58)
- Inspection (30)
- Remainder (85)
- Temperature control (53)
- Miscellaneous (327)
- Specials (68)
- Vacuum technology (82)
- Remainder (18)
- Vacuum pumps (59)
- Vacuum systems (5)
We offer a broad range of laboratory equipment for professional use. Our stock is numerous and constantly changing.Our products comprise for example analytical instruments, temperature baths & -controllers, microscopes. On the right you can browse through our range of laboratory equipment. Are you looking for a specific kind of analytical instrument? Or are you looking for a different type of temperature controller or microscope? Then please contact us.